Welcome to Anodyne Community Acupuncture
Proudly serving the Minnesota communities of Bloomington, Richfield, Minneapolis, Edina, Eagan, Eden Prairie, Apple Valley, and beyond since 2014.
Community Acupuncture is an effective and affordable form of healthcare that makes acupuncture accessible to a wide range of people. Anodyne Community Acupuncture uses a sliding scale payment system with no income verification needed. An acupuncture treatment costs $25-$40 per visit. You decide what you can afford within this range. There is a one time consultation fee of $15 at the initial visit.
** Acupuncture does not have to be expensive to be effective. **
At Anodyne Community Acupuncture, treatments take place in a quiet group setting with each person seated in a reclining chair. By treating many people at one time, costs can remain low, friends and family can be treated at the same time and, most importantly, more people in the community can benefit from the therapeutic effects of acupuncture.
Healing Together ~ Local Documentary about Community Acupuncture
Clinic Hours:
Monday: 2-7pm
Wednesday: 1-7pm
Thursday: 9am-4pm
Friday: 10am-4pm
Saturday*: 9:00am-1pm
Upcoming Clinic Closures:
Monday, May 26
*Limited. Open 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month.